Monday, December 12, 2011

As Winter Break Approaches...

Greetings to all!
Here are some announcements:

  • Thursday, December 15th, from 11am – 12pm:   Fourth grade is holding a pizza party celebration Parents are welcome to come and lend a hand, and enjoy the festivities with the students.  We ask that each parent donate $3 cash to help make this possible.  This will cover the cost for pizza and drinks for the fourth graders.  Please turn in the $3 by Tuesday afternoon, in time for us to order the pizza and buy the supplies.  Thank you for making this possible!
  • Weds., Thurs., and Fri. (Dec. 14-16):  Early Dismissal Days at 12:15pm
  • Unit 6 Math Update: Last week we got into long division, with the students learning the partial quotients method first, and the traditional method on Friday.  This week, due to the early release days, we will continue reviewing long division, so that the students get a handle on the process.  Remember to use the great resources (printables, videos, etc.) available on Everyday Math Online (your child should have his/her login information). Once back from Winter Break, we will continue with the Unit 6 lessons, which focus on measuring angles with half & full-circle protractors.
  • No Home Reading Logs will go home this week.  We will continue logs after the Winter Break.
  • There will be no new Word Study words this week, either.  We will still have our test on Tuesday, Dec. 13th, for last week's words.

Thank you for your continued support!  We look forward to having a great week at school! 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

What's Happening

Welcome back, families!  

I hope you had an enjoyable and relaxing Veteran's Day weekend.  Let me share some current happenings:
    In Math this week, the students will learn how to multiply large numbers using the Partial Products Algorithm (Lessons 5.5-5.6).  On Friday, we will teach them the traditional method (which we adults frequently use). Next week, they will learn the third and last multiplication algorithm - Lattice (Lesson 5.7).  Please refer to Everyday Math Online's website (use your child's student login information) to obtain resources on all of these various algorithms.  Once the students have learned all three methods, they will pick one which they can confidently use. On the Unit 5 test, they will be required to use the Partial Products method to solve some multiplication problems.  

    If you would like some great resources and tutorials for these algorithms, you can refer to the Everyday Math Online's website.  First, access the website with your child's student login, and click on the Family Resources launch button (see below):

    Next, you'll be taken to a page titled "Family Resources."  Select the button "Algorithms in Everyday Mathematics," and you will then be lead through a list of other options (see below).  For a video tutorial on the various multiplication methods (Partial Products, Lattice, Standard), choose from any of the online resources.
    I hope this information helps you.   Another great way for your child to practice the Partial Products method is by playing the "Multiplication Wrestling" game on Everyday Math's website.  
    Next week, on Tuesday, 11/22, we will be presenting our American Revolution Timeline in the Community Classroom, from 9:45-10:45am.  Friends and family members are welcome to attend, and to eat lunch with their fourth graders, afterwards!  

Save the date:
  • Friday, December 2nd is our St. Augustine field trip.  This will be an all-day event.  Permission forms and money is due by this Friday, Nov. 18th.  If your child will not be attending, please notify his/her teacher, so that accomodations can be made at school during the field trip.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Important Announcements

Here are some important upcoming dates for fourth grade:
  • Tuesday, November 8th - Math Unit 4 Test; the study guides/review packets went home this week.
  • Thursday, November 10th - The final version of students' American Revolution timeline summary is due.  It will be worth 100 pts. We’ll be grading grammar, attributes, strong verbs, elaboration of details and a thesis statement or topic sentence.  (The rough draft of students' summaries is due tomorrow.)
  • Friday, November 11th - Veteran's Day; No School
  • Friday, November 18th - Money and permission slips due for Saint Augustine field trip
  • Weds.-Friday, November 23-25th - Thanksgiving Holiday; No School
  • Friday, December 2nd - 4th grade Saint Augustine field trip

*Saint Augustine Trip - our tour price includes the following:
  • 2 Professional Licensed Guide Services all day
  • Itinerary Planning and Scheduling
  • Admission to the Oldest Wooden School House program
  • Hour long Trolley ride w/narration around the city of St. Augustine
  • Admission to the Old Florida Museum which includes 2 programs with take home souvenirs-Native American program and Archeology program.
  • Guided walking tour and admission to the Castillo de San Marcos
  • Trolley transport to and from the Old FL Museum back to the Visitor's Information Center

Monday, October 24, 2011

Out with October and in with November!

      Our first 9 weeks of school has come to a close, and the second 9 weeks has begun! As we teachers finalize these first quarter's grades, please be sure that you are regularly logging onto SKYWARD so that you can view an updated report of your child's grades/averages for each subject.  Fall conferences have commenced, as well! Mr. Steffens, Ms. A and I look forward to meeting with you and sharing your child's fall benchmark measurements (CBM's) with you.  
      In Math, we launched into Unit 4, which covers the relationships between decimals, fractions, and percents.  This is still a challenging topic for many students, so the more they are exposed to it, the better.  There are some great games available for practice on Everyday Math Online's website (students should have their login information):
  • Number Top-It with 2-Place Decimals
  • Number Top-It with 3-Place Decimals
  • Credits/Debits Game
  • Frac-Tac-Toe (there are several versions)
      We finished our studies about the American Revolution, last week.  Today, students selected topics for their individual project.  They will spend the next couple of weeks researching, writing about, and completing their selected topic assignments. All together, each 4th grade student's topic will create a cohesive American Revolution timeline.  Stay tuned for more information!

Important dates:
- Wednesday, Oct. 26th & Weds., Nov. 2nd:  Wacky Wednesdays!  Be sure to send your child to school in sneakers and comfortable clothing
- Thursday, October 27th, 5pm-9pm: Gator's Dockside Dinner Fundraiser for 5th Grade DC Trip
- Friday, October 28th: no school; teacher workday
- Friday, November 4th: no school; UF Homecoming
- Friday, November 11th: no school; Veteran's Day

Friday, October 7, 2011

October has arrived!

Wow!  October is here, and fall weather has finally reached our city of Gainesville!  The students have definitely enjoyed the cooler breezes during recess, although the inside temperatures have been up and down (the air conditioner still rules the roost in our rooms!).  With that said, we'd recommend sending your child to school dressed in layers, with some sort of light-weight jacket or cardigan he/she can keep on his/her chair.  Also, please remember to get a water bottle  for your child to keep in class at all times.  This way, if a student would like a drink of water, it will not disrupt instruction or learning/practice time.

In Reading/S.S., we've traveled through history from the point of the French and Indian War, have visited all the important causes and events which led to the American Revolution, and now are engaging in the actual battles of the Redcoats versus the "Rebels."  The students are truly engaged and have a vested interest in the ultimate outcome.  For instance, we dissected the Declaration of Independence into its important parts, which helped us understand why America wanted to break free from Britain.

Students are able to learn more about each important topic on our Reading Weebly Website.  Please feel free to visit this site with your child!  There are many interactive websites which allow you to further explore what we've discussed in class.  The website link is on our PK Yonge 4th Grade Webpage.  There is a special password you need in order to enter the website, which your child knows and can provide.

In Math, we will finish Unit 3 next week, with the End-of-Unit test scheduled for Monday, October 17th.  Study Guides and Review Packets will be sent home next week.  Many complex concepts will be covered on the test, such as: true/false number sentences; using parentheses (order of operations); multiplication/division relationships (in particular, the key terms - factors, products, multiples).  We will also post the Study Guides and Review Packets on our website, soon.

Students are into their 3rd week of Word Study, and have been doing well on their homework and assignments, overall.  As a reminder - your child will come home every Wednesday with a NEW set of words to study and practice in his/her Word Study Journal.  He/She must complete all assignments in the Journal, and return it to school every Tuesday (which is the day he/she will be tested on his/her words).  Please contact your teacher should you have any questions.

Mark your calendar for these important dates:

  • Friday, October 14th, 4-7pm: PKY's Fall Carnival fundraiser for the PTO.  If you've signed up for a shift for your class booth, then a parent rep. will be contacting you this next week to remind you of your specific times.
  • Monday, October 17th: Everyday Math Unit 3 Test
  • Friday, October 28th: NO SCHOOL-Teacher Workday

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Important Upcoming Dates

Greetings to all!

We have some important events in our future:
  • Friday, Sept. 23rd: Unit 2 Everyday Math Test - A Review Practice and Study Guide were sent home this week.  Please look over the these important items with your fourth grader. You can find electronic copies of these documents in our Everyday Math folder of our Parent Files section on our 4th Grade Webpage. 
  • Friday, Sept. 30th: 1st Nine Weeks Progress Reports go home - Please look out for your child's official Progress Report which will be sent home in next week's Friday Folders.  In the meantime, if you would like to see your child's current grades, please log onto SKYWARD Online Grading System.
  • Friday, Oct. 14th: Fall Carnival, sponsored by PK Yonge's PTO - The Carnival is an annual tradition at PK Yonge Elementary, and a great way for you to help raise money for our school. It is held on the Upper Field behind the Business Office portable building, from 4-7pm. There are great games and prizes for all ages, food, a cake walk, and our popular Silent Auction Booth. 
  • How can I help?- In order for the Carnival to function, we need parent volunteers. Mr. Steffens, Ms. A, and Ms. Geiger each have a "class booth" people can visit throughout the evening. Please get with your 4th grade teacher and sign up for a 30 or 60 minute time-slot to work your class' booth.  We greatly appreciate your support!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

4th Grade Homework

This year, your fourth grader will have the following homework on a regular basis:

1) Everyday Math Study Links (SL) - These are practice/extensions of the current Math lesson, and should come home daily (unless otherwise noted).  They should be returned to class on the following day.  Also, remember to refer to the Study Link answer keys (on the back of the current unit Family Letter).

2) Home Reading Logs - Each student will get a new Reading Log every Friday.  They will need to turn in their previous log (which should be verified and signed by a parent/guardian) each Friday, as well.  Our goal is for fourth graders to be reading at a minimum of 125 minutes per week.  They can choose to read a "just-right" chapter book, to read on FCAT, and to read on the KIDBIZ website.  The links to those sites can be found on our 4th Grade webpage.  Students should have a copy of their login information in their homework/take-home folder.

3) Word Study Journal - Beginning next week, students will bring home a personal Word Study Journal.  They will have 4 separate homework activities to do with their word study words each week.  Journals should come home and come back to school on a daily basis.  Please look for a parent letter this Monday, which will provide you with more information.

These are the three regular homework assignments.  Occasionally, your child might have to finish a piece of writing at home.  Also, when we get to the research & project portions of our Social Studies units, your child might choose to continue working on his/her project at home.  

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Extra, Extra - Read all about it!

Dear Parents,

It’s amazing to think that this week marks the end of the third week of school!
After having completed their Unit 1 Geometry test, the students embarked upon Everyday Math’s Unit 2 – Using Numbers and Organizing Data.  Remember to utilize your new Unit 2 Family Letter to assist your child in checking his/her Study Link responses.  FYI - You can go to the Parent Files section of our 4th Grade website to find an electronic copy of the Everyday Math Family Letters (for each unit).

Please mark these important dates on your calendars: 
This Tuesday, Sept. 13th,  is PKY's Elementary Open House, from 5:30-7:30pm.  Everyone will convene at 5:30 in the Performing Arts Center (PAC).  At 6pm, 4th Grade will present to 4th grade parents and families in PK Yonge's library (located across the creek).  We will offer a 2nd viewing of our presentation at 6:45pm.  We look forward to seeing you there!
This Wednesday, Sept. 14th,  is School Picture Day.  If you want to purchase pictures for your child, please complete and return the picture envelope which was sent home in last week’s Friday Folder.
This Wednesday, Sept. 14th, is also the second Wacky Wednesday Rotation.  Our fourth graders will have the opportunity to experience these 3 classes:  Guidance, Drama, and Library.
PK Yonge’s Chick-Fil-A Family Night is Monday, September 19th, between 5-8pm.  Stop by for a meal (served by your principal and teachers) in support of our school.  All proceeds go to PK Yonge’s P.T.O.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Upcoming Unit 1 Math Test

Dear families,

This Friday, Sept. 2nd, students will take their first Math test, which marks the end of Unit 1.  Students were given a Unit 1 review packet with a study guide on Monday which they could use to help prepare for Friday's test.  This packet does not need to be returned to school.

We will begin Unit 2 on Tuesday, Sept. 6th.  Students will bring home a paper version of the Unit 2 family letter on Friday.  In addition, you can find an electonic version of the family letter in our Everyday Math folder, located in the parent files section of our 4th Grade PK Yonge webpage.  Please let your teacher know if you have any further questions.

Friday, August 26, 2011

4th Grade Announcements

Dear families,

Welcome to fourth grade!  This year has already taken off with a blast!  We have some important announcements for you:

In the first week's Friday Folder, there are a couple of forms for you to look over, sign and return - Code of Conduct form, and Free/Reduced Lunch Application.

This year's Open House will be held  on Tuesday, September 13th, from 5:30-7:30pm. Please gather in the PAC at 5:30pm.  Stay tuned for more information from your teachers.

The elementary PTO's Fall Carnival is quickly approaching (Friday, October 14th).  Each 4th grade class needs parent volunteers to help out and run the booths.  Please contact the Fall Carnival Coordinator -  Maria Schlafke @ - if you are interested in lending a hand.  We appreciate your participation.

4th grade is looking for a weekly copy room volunteer to assist with our weekly copying needs.  Thank you!

In order for us to help reduce costs of our field trips to Saint Augustine and the Kennedy Space Center, we try to raise money throughout the year.  We are currently looking for parents who are interested in brainstorming and spearheading various fundraising opportunities.  All money earned will help lower students' field trip costs.  

Please make sure that all of your contact information is current and correct in the Skyward student information system.  It is now your responsibility to keep this updated throughout the school year (you can log in to make any necessary changes or add new information).  The website address is:

If you do not know your Skyward account login, or have forgotten your password, then you can contact Wendy Warren (Admissions: 392-1554, ext. 262) or Danyell Lordeus (Main Office: 392-1554, ext. 221).

Thank you so much for your continued support.  We hope you have a fabulous weekend!