Sunday, November 13, 2011

What's Happening

Welcome back, families!  

I hope you had an enjoyable and relaxing Veteran's Day weekend.  Let me share some current happenings:
    In Math this week, the students will learn how to multiply large numbers using the Partial Products Algorithm (Lessons 5.5-5.6).  On Friday, we will teach them the traditional method (which we adults frequently use). Next week, they will learn the third and last multiplication algorithm - Lattice (Lesson 5.7).  Please refer to Everyday Math Online's website (use your child's student login information) to obtain resources on all of these various algorithms.  Once the students have learned all three methods, they will pick one which they can confidently use. On the Unit 5 test, they will be required to use the Partial Products method to solve some multiplication problems.  

    If you would like some great resources and tutorials for these algorithms, you can refer to the Everyday Math Online's website.  First, access the website with your child's student login, and click on the Family Resources launch button (see below):

    Next, you'll be taken to a page titled "Family Resources."  Select the button "Algorithms in Everyday Mathematics," and you will then be lead through a list of other options (see below).  For a video tutorial on the various multiplication methods (Partial Products, Lattice, Standard), choose from any of the online resources.
    I hope this information helps you.   Another great way for your child to practice the Partial Products method is by playing the "Multiplication Wrestling" game on Everyday Math's website.  
    Next week, on Tuesday, 11/22, we will be presenting our American Revolution Timeline in the Community Classroom, from 9:45-10:45am.  Friends and family members are welcome to attend, and to eat lunch with their fourth graders, afterwards!  

Save the date:
  • Friday, December 2nd is our St. Augustine field trip.  This will be an all-day event.  Permission forms and money is due by this Friday, Nov. 18th.  If your child will not be attending, please notify his/her teacher, so that accomodations can be made at school during the field trip.

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