Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Important Upcoming Dates

Greetings to all!

We have some important events in our future:
  • Friday, Sept. 23rd: Unit 2 Everyday Math Test - A Review Practice and Study Guide were sent home this week.  Please look over the these important items with your fourth grader. You can find electronic copies of these documents in our Everyday Math folder of our Parent Files section on our 4th Grade Webpage. 
  • Friday, Sept. 30th: 1st Nine Weeks Progress Reports go home - Please look out for your child's official Progress Report which will be sent home in next week's Friday Folders.  In the meantime, if you would like to see your child's current grades, please log onto SKYWARD Online Grading System.
  • Friday, Oct. 14th: Fall Carnival, sponsored by PK Yonge's PTO - The Carnival is an annual tradition at PK Yonge Elementary, and a great way for you to help raise money for our school. It is held on the Upper Field behind the Business Office portable building, from 4-7pm. There are great games and prizes for all ages, food, a cake walk, and our popular Silent Auction Booth. 
  • How can I help?- In order for the Carnival to function, we need parent volunteers. Mr. Steffens, Ms. A, and Ms. Geiger each have a "class booth" people can visit throughout the evening. Please get with your 4th grade teacher and sign up for a 30 or 60 minute time-slot to work your class' booth.  We greatly appreciate your support!

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