Thursday, September 8, 2011

Extra, Extra - Read all about it!

Dear Parents,

It’s amazing to think that this week marks the end of the third week of school!
After having completed their Unit 1 Geometry test, the students embarked upon Everyday Math’s Unit 2 – Using Numbers and Organizing Data.  Remember to utilize your new Unit 2 Family Letter to assist your child in checking his/her Study Link responses.  FYI - You can go to the Parent Files section of our 4th Grade website to find an electronic copy of the Everyday Math Family Letters (for each unit).

Please mark these important dates on your calendars: 
This Tuesday, Sept. 13th,  is PKY's Elementary Open House, from 5:30-7:30pm.  Everyone will convene at 5:30 in the Performing Arts Center (PAC).  At 6pm, 4th Grade will present to 4th grade parents and families in PK Yonge's library (located across the creek).  We will offer a 2nd viewing of our presentation at 6:45pm.  We look forward to seeing you there!
This Wednesday, Sept. 14th,  is School Picture Day.  If you want to purchase pictures for your child, please complete and return the picture envelope which was sent home in last week’s Friday Folder.
This Wednesday, Sept. 14th, is also the second Wacky Wednesday Rotation.  Our fourth graders will have the opportunity to experience these 3 classes:  Guidance, Drama, and Library.
PK Yonge’s Chick-Fil-A Family Night is Monday, September 19th, between 5-8pm.  Stop by for a meal (served by your principal and teachers) in support of our school.  All proceeds go to PK Yonge’s P.T.O.

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