Monday, May 21, 2012

Week of May 21st NEWS

Math Unit 12 Progress Check:
This end-of-unit test will be held this Thursday, May 24th. The Study Guide and Review Packet went home with your child on Friday of last week. If you would like to print an extra copy of the Unit 12 review materials, please visit the Everyday Math Folder, in the Parent Files section of our 4th grade website. 

Tumblin' Creek Arts & Sciences Festival - Thursday, May 24th:
This is an annual tradition for our school, and such a great event to attend with your family!  You'll have the opportunity to see some of your child's artwork (in the Mead Library), and there will be many other musical performances, visual galleries and presentations!  Also,  the new elementary building will be open to the public this evening - this is a definite "must see!"  The new building tours will begin at 4:30pm and go until 6pm.  The Arts Festival begins at 4pm, and ends at 7pm.  Dinner will be available to purchase on site, as well - barbecue for $5 and hotdogs for $2. Come out and have a good time!  

End-of-Year Math Test
Our End-of-Year Math Test will be next week, on Wednesday, May 30th.  This test will include skills and concepts which were taught since the beginning of the school year.  A Study Guide will be coming home in a couple of days, so that you can review with your child.  We will also be working on a Review Packet in class.

PK Yonge T-shirts: 
Please don't forget to get a blue PK Yonge t-shirt for Space Camp from Mr. Steffens. We require all students and chaperones to wear these on the field trip. They are $10,  and we have adult and youth sizes available.  We will be selling these shirts up until the day before Space Camp.  Please don't wait until the last minute to get yours!   :-)

Space Camp Field Trip: 
Here’s a list of items that students and chaperones should pack for our galactic adventure! Remember to pack light because YOU have to carry everything you bring with you until we are able to set it down by our sleeping area:

  1. Sleeping bag and/or air mattress (air mattress recommended)
  2. Warm pajamas (it gets very cold where we sleep!)
  3. Blanket
  4. Pillow
  5. Toothbrush
  6. Toothpaste
  7. Any other necessary toiletries (NO SHOWERS)
  8. Money for souvenirs
  10. Camera
  11. chapter book (for the bus)
  12. deck of cards (for the bus)
  13. comfortable shoes!
  14. Change of clothes for Friday morning
  15. A stellar PK attitude! (most important!)

DEPARTURE: We will be leaving promptly at 1:oopm on THURSDAY, 5/31. So chaperones must be here between 12:20-12:30pm! NO EXCEPTIONS!!

RETURN: We expect to be back at PK on FRIDAY, 6/01 at 5:30pm. Please be prompt to pick your student up on Friday, June 1st.

ALL students must ride the bus to Space Camp, even if they have a chaperone parent/guardian.  This is a P.K. Yonge policy.

HOWEVER, on Friday, you can check out your child so that he/she may stay with you and ride home.  

If you will not be attending the field trip, but you are planning to have your child check out and stay and with a specific chaperone,  you must write a note to your teacher.  In the note, you must give permission for that parent to "check out" your child from "Kennedy Space Center on Friday, June 1st."   Otherwise, your child will need to ride the bus back to PK with us.  If you have any questions about this procedure, please contact your child's teacher.

Thanks for "tuning in!"  We look forward to seeing you this Thursday for the festival!  

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