Monday, June 18, 2012

Summer Reading Information and more!

The following resources are for rising 4th and 5th graders.  We look forward to seeing you next year in our 4-5 Learning Community!

Summer Reading  
Summer is here!  It's time to sit down with a good book and read!  Click on the following link to view our suggestions and resources for summer reading: 

School Supplies
Want to start shopping for next year's school supplies? Click on this link to view our 4th-5th grade school supply list: 4-5 Supply List

Sunday, June 3, 2012

End-of-Year Party

As the summer vacation quickly comes upon us, we are beginning to make preparations for a 4th grade End-of-Year Celebration, which will be held on Tuesday, June 5th, from 10:30-11:30am.  We are excited to be doing this!  Parents are welcome to come and lend a hand, and enjoy the festivities with the students.

We would like to make this a pizza party, and ask that each parent donate   $3 cash to help make this possible.  This will cover the cost for pizza and drinks for the fourth graders.  Thank you for your support and contributions!!

If you’d also like to bring in an item (or items), please send it in by Tuesday morning: 
Sweet treat
Juice boxes
Sunkist Orange Soda
Extra Cash     donation
Paper towels

Monday, May 21, 2012

Week of May 21st NEWS

Math Unit 12 Progress Check:
This end-of-unit test will be held this Thursday, May 24th. The Study Guide and Review Packet went home with your child on Friday of last week. If you would like to print an extra copy of the Unit 12 review materials, please visit the Everyday Math Folder, in the Parent Files section of our 4th grade website. 

Tumblin' Creek Arts & Sciences Festival - Thursday, May 24th:
This is an annual tradition for our school, and such a great event to attend with your family!  You'll have the opportunity to see some of your child's artwork (in the Mead Library), and there will be many other musical performances, visual galleries and presentations!  Also,  the new elementary building will be open to the public this evening - this is a definite "must see!"  The new building tours will begin at 4:30pm and go until 6pm.  The Arts Festival begins at 4pm, and ends at 7pm.  Dinner will be available to purchase on site, as well - barbecue for $5 and hotdogs for $2. Come out and have a good time!  

End-of-Year Math Test
Our End-of-Year Math Test will be next week, on Wednesday, May 30th.  This test will include skills and concepts which were taught since the beginning of the school year.  A Study Guide will be coming home in a couple of days, so that you can review with your child.  We will also be working on a Review Packet in class.

PK Yonge T-shirts: 
Please don't forget to get a blue PK Yonge t-shirt for Space Camp from Mr. Steffens. We require all students and chaperones to wear these on the field trip. They are $10,  and we have adult and youth sizes available.  We will be selling these shirts up until the day before Space Camp.  Please don't wait until the last minute to get yours!   :-)

Space Camp Field Trip: 
Here’s a list of items that students and chaperones should pack for our galactic adventure! Remember to pack light because YOU have to carry everything you bring with you until we are able to set it down by our sleeping area:

  1. Sleeping bag and/or air mattress (air mattress recommended)
  2. Warm pajamas (it gets very cold where we sleep!)
  3. Blanket
  4. Pillow
  5. Toothbrush
  6. Toothpaste
  7. Any other necessary toiletries (NO SHOWERS)
  8. Money for souvenirs
  10. Camera
  11. chapter book (for the bus)
  12. deck of cards (for the bus)
  13. comfortable shoes!
  14. Change of clothes for Friday morning
  15. A stellar PK attitude! (most important!)

DEPARTURE: We will be leaving promptly at 1:oopm on THURSDAY, 5/31. So chaperones must be here between 12:20-12:30pm! NO EXCEPTIONS!!

RETURN: We expect to be back at PK on FRIDAY, 6/01 at 5:30pm. Please be prompt to pick your student up on Friday, June 1st.

ALL students must ride the bus to Space Camp, even if they have a chaperone parent/guardian.  This is a P.K. Yonge policy.

HOWEVER, on Friday, you can check out your child so that he/she may stay with you and ride home.  

If you will not be attending the field trip, but you are planning to have your child check out and stay and with a specific chaperone,  you must write a note to your teacher.  In the note, you must give permission for that parent to "check out" your child from "Kennedy Space Center on Friday, June 1st."   Otherwise, your child will need to ride the bus back to PK with us.  If you have any questions about this procedure, please contact your child's teacher.

Thanks for "tuning in!"  We look forward to seeing you this Thursday for the festival!  

Sunday, May 6, 2012

May Update

Math Unit 11 Progress Check:
This end-of-unit test will be held this Friday, May 11th. Students will receive their Study Guides and Review Packets on Monday. If you would like to print an extra copy of the Unit 11 review materials, please visit the Everyday Math Folder, in the Parent Files section of our 4th grade website. FYI - Unit 12 will be our last Math Unit for this year.

P.K. Yonge Spring Arts Festival - Thursday, May 24th:
This is an annual tradition for our school, and such a great event to attend with your family!  You'll have the opportunity to see some of your child's artwork, and there will be many other musical performances, visual galleries and presentations!  Also,  the new elementary building will be open to the public this evening - this is a definite "must see!"  The Arts Festival begins at 4pm, and ends at 7pm.  Food (barbecue dinner and fixings) will be available to purchase on site, as well. Come out and have a good time!  

Please don't forget to get a blue PK Yonge t-shirt for Space Camp from Mr. Steffens. We require all students and chaperones to wear these on the field trip. They are $12 and we have adult and youth sizes available.

Space Camp Field Trip: 
Here’s a list of items that students and chaperones should pack for our galactic adventure! Remember to pack light because YOU have to carry everything you bring with you until we are able to set it down by our sleeping area:

  1. Sleeping bag and/or air mattress (air mattress recommended)
  2. Warm pajamas (it gets very cold where we sleep!)
  3. Blanket
  4. Pillow
  5. Toothbrush
  6. Toothpaste
  7. Any other necessary toiletries (NO SHOWERS)
  8. Money for souvenirs
  10. Camera
  11. chapter book (for the bus)
  12. deck of cards (for the bus)
  13. comfortable shoes!
  14. Change of clothes for Friday morning
  15. A stellar PK attitude! (most important!)

DEPARTURE: We will be leaving promptly at 1:oopm on THURSDAY, 5/31. So chaperones must be here between 12:20-12:30pm! NO EXCEPTIONS!!

RETURN: We expect to be back at PK on FRIDAY, 6/01 at 5:30pm. Please be prompt to pick your student up on Friday, June 1st.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Z to A Countdown

Z to A Countdown

A few years ago, the PKY Elementary School began a tradition of counting down the last 26 days of school by having fun dress-up days.  Each day corresponds to a different letter of the alphabet, from Z down to A.  This year the countdown will begin on Tuesday, May 1st. Here's the entire schedule:

Tuesday, May 1
Wear zebra colors (black and white)
Wednesday, May 2
Wear yellow
Thursday, May 3
Wear clothing with bones on it (for x-rays) or eXercise clothing
Friday, May 4
Wear white
Monday, May 7
Wear violet; Vegetable Can Drive
Tuesday, May 8
Wear University of Florida gear (or something for your favorite university)
Wednesday, May 9
Wear tan or turquoise
Thursday, May 10
Wear stripes
Friday, May 11
Wear red
Monday, May 14
Queen Day – Girls can dress up and wear crowns.
Tuesday, May 15
Wear pajamas
Wednesday, May 16
Wear orange
Thursday, May 17
Wear a necktie or a necklace
Friday, May 18
Wear mismatched clothes
Monday, May 21
Wear light colors
Tuesday, May 22
King Day – Boys can dress up and wear crowns.
Wednesday, May 23
Wear jeans and jewelry
Thursday, May 24
Wear indigo
Friday, May 25
Wear a hat
Tuesday, May 29
Wear green
Wednesday, May 30
Wear your favorite outfit or favorite color
Thursday, May 31
Wear elegant clothing
Friday, June 1
Wear dark colors
Monday, June 4
Wear Crocs or camouflage
Tuesday, June 5
Wear Blue Wave gear
Wednesday, June 6
Wear Hawaiian clothing and leis; Say “Aloha!”

Feel free to get creative with the countdown!  If your child doesn't have the recommended clothing, think of something else that starts with that letter.  Please do not feel pressure to purchase new outfits for the countdown; we just want this to be a fun way to end the school year!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Space Camp Forms Coming Your Way!

Dear Families,

On Friday, we sent home the Kennedy Space Camp Information Packets, which have the permission forms you'll need if you and/or your child are interested in attending this amazing Overnight Adventure.  The information below is listed in the packet, but we wanted to summarize for you.

Dates:  Thursday, May 31st - Friday, June 1st

Cost:  Students - $75.00
         Adults   - $95.00
        (please make checks payable to U.F. - do not send in cash)

Here's what's included in the Space Camp fee:
* Meet/greet with a NASA astronaut
* Admission to IMAX film "Magnificent Desolation"
* Planning and coordination of all events
* Tour guide for both days
* Dinner on Thurs.
* Snack
* Continental breakfast on Fri.
* Full admission privileges to the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
* Full admission privileges to the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame

All paperwork and money is due by Friday, April 27th.

IMPORTANT: There are 2 more permission/waiver forms that will be sent home with your child today or tomorrow (that must be turned in along with the forms in the original packet).  One of the forms is for medical authorization, and the other is an Overnight Adventure Release and Waiver Agreement. 

IMPORTANT: If you are planning on attending Space Camp as a chaperone, you must fill out a parent volunteer application and scan your driver's license (or government I.D.) with the PK Yonge front office.  Many have already registered at the beginning of the school year.  You can call 352-392-1554, ext. 0 or 221 to verify your status with the front office.

I hope you all can join us on our galactic journey! It's a blast!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

News for Week of March 26th

Dear Fourth Grade Families,

There is much happening this week, which we'd like to share with you!  First of all, we want to thank everyone who had the chance to stop by and view our fourth graders' Civil War project presentations on Friday.  The students were thrilled at the turnout, and enjoyed sharing their topic expertise with friends, family members and other visitors. 

On Friday, we sent home the information packet and permission forms to sign up for the radKIDS program, with the UF police department and Coach Zazo.  All permission forms must be completed and returned to your child's teacher by this Wednesday, March 28th, in order for your child to participate.  This is a wonderful opportunity for the 4th graders to learn about safety and personal empowerment!  If you have any specific questions about the program, you can contact Coach Zazo -  

Also, this past week, Review Packets were sent home with students in order to prepare for the Everyday Math Unit 10 test, which will be Tuesday, March 27th.  You can also download a copy of the Study Guide and Review Sheets, located in our EverydayMath folder of the Parent File section of the 4th grade website.

This Wednesday, March 28th is another Wacky Wednesday for our 4th and 5th graders.  Please send your child to school wearing tennis shoes and comfortable clothing.  

Our culminating event for this week is the annual PK Yonge Family Picnic, held on Thursday, from 12pm to 1pm on the front circle's grassy knoll.   Most families bring lunches from home or from take-out places, although some families order lunches in advance from the cafeteria.  Families also bring blankets or chairs to sit on. No parking will be permitted on the front circle area.  Instead, the north field (behind our portables) will be open for families to park.  

Families should NOT come to the classrooms to get their children.  We ask that you prepare your spot on the front circle, and wait for your student there.  At 12pm, the teachers will bring their classes to their normal arrival/dismissal spots on the blue benches on the front circleThis is where you can retrieve your child.

You may check your child out early to keep from making an extra trip back to school - you will need to sign him/her out with the teacher at that time (we will have a dismissal sheet for a quick check-out). 

If you plan to leave your child at school after the picnic, you will need to bring him/her back to the 4th grade blue benches spot on the front circle.  The teachers will wait there to take all remaining students back to class.  This is an exciting event, and we look forward to seeing you there!

So, to sum up the important dates:
  • Tuesday, March 27th - Everyday Math Unit 10 Test
  • Weds., March 28th - radKIDS forms due!
  • Weds., March 28th - Wacky Wednesday
  • Thursday, March 29th - PK Yonge Family Picnic
  • Friday, March 30th - NO SCHOOL, teacher workday
  • Monday-Friday, April 2-6 - Spring Break Week
  • Monday-Friday, April 16-20 - 4th grade FCAT Reading and Math testing 

Monday, March 19, 2012

RAD Kids Opportunity

Dear families,

Please be on the lookout for a  r.a.d.KIDS sign-up/permission form in this week's Friday Folders.  Coach Zazo and the UF police department coordinate a two week   r.a.d.KIDS   training program every year at PK Yonge, and this year, the 4th grade students have been selected to participate. 

r.a.d.KIDS is a nationally recognized Personal Empowerment Safety Education course.  If you would like to learn more about it before Friday, we encourage you to visit their website: r.a.d.KIDS.  In the meantime,  if you have any questions, you can contact Coach Zazo -  

This is a wonderful opportunity for your child!  Be on the lookout for more information in Friday folders.

Ms. A, Ms. Geiger, and Mr. Steffens

Sunday, March 11, 2012

As March Rolls In...

Spring is here!  Our Civil War Projects are almost ready to present!  Most importantly, our Scholastic Spring Book Fair fundraiser commences this week, from Monday until Friday!  Wow!  There is so much going on in 4th grade!

Here are the upcoming events in order of appearance:

Scholastic Spring Book Fair - 4th Grade Fundraiser
  • Thank you to all the parent volunteers who have signed up for a shift (or more).  Without you, this Book Fair would not be possible!  Our Book Fair Hours are 8am -3:30pm, Monday through Friday.  We will have a Family Night on Thursday, and stay open until 6pm.  Also, Friday is "Lunch with Someone Grand!"   Make sure to spread the news to other PK families to stop by and check out the Book Fair!
  • FYI - We will be selling our 4th Grade "Blue Wave" t-shirts at the Book Fair, too.  If you and your child are planning on going to the Kennedy Space Center field trip in May, you will need to purchase a shirt. 

Unit 9 Math Test - Tuesday, March 13th
  • Fractions, Decimals, and Percents - oh my!  It's that time for the Unit 9 test, which focused on the relationships between fractions, decimals, and percents.  Students were given a Study Guide and Review Practice packet last week to begin preparing for this test.  If you would like to print out a copy of the Review Practice, please visit the "Everyday Math" folder in the "Parent Files" section of our 4th grade website.
  • Unit 10 will begin on Wednesday, and is centered on Reflections and Symmetry. There are some great websites your child can visit to practice these concepts in the "Other Web Pages" section of our 4th grade website (see picture below).

Civil War Project Presentations 
  • The students have worked hard on researching their Civil War topics, writing an essay about their topics, and are now in the final stages of their project - composing and designing their trifold/poster or Glogster.  Students' poster-Glogster presentations will include their essay, illustrations, and 5-10 interesting facts about their chosen topic.  Most students should be finished with their projects by the end of this week (March 16th).  
  • Please look out for an invitation to view our project presentations, which should come your way sometime this week.  The fourth graders are super excited to share the products of their knowledge!

PK Yonge Family Picnic - Thursday, March 29th
  • Thursday, March 29 is PK Yonge's annual Family Picnic!  It will be held on the grassy area in the middle of the front circle between the hours of 12-1pm. There will not be any parking on the front circle – the upper field will be open for parking instead. 
    If you plan on checking out your student for the rest of the day after the picnic, you will sign your child out with his/her teacher at that time.  If your child will be checked out by another family, make sure the teacher has a note and is aware of the arrangements. 
    Any students staying at school after the picnic ends at 1pm will need to go back to the 4th grade benches spot of the front circle to find their teachers and return to class.
Student Holiday: No School - Friday, March 30th

Spring Break Week: April 2nd - 6th

Monday, February 20, 2012

Important Announcements

Greetings to our fourth grade friends and families!

We have some important upcoming events in these next few weeks:

  • Fri, Feb. 24th - Unit 8 Math Test  -  This was a very short unit which covered mostly perimeter and the formulas for area.  An electronic copy of the review sheet can be found in the Math folder in the Parent Files section of our Website.

  • Tuesday, Feb. 28th - FCAT Florida Writes exam = 
           The best way you can practice this weekend for the test is by discussing how you would respond to possible prompts.  The more fun and casual you can make it, the better (think "family game time").  We have a list of sample narrative and expository prompts in the Writing Folder of the Parent Files of our website for you to use.
           Also, if you would like to donate a healthy juice or snack for the students to nibble on before the test, our 4th grade team has created a Doodle online sign-up for you.  Please choose the item(s) you'd like to donate, and send them to school with your child by Monday, February 27th, at the latest.  We will have space for the refrigerated items, too.  On Tuesday, February 28th, we will test in the morning.  So, please make sure you send your child to school well rested, well fed, and on time this day!  Thank you for all of your help and support.

  • Mon.-Fri., March 12th - 16th  =  4th Grade Scholastic Book Fair Fundraiser in Mead Library.  This is the main way we raise money to reduce students' admissions price for the Kennedy Space Center field trip.  Gina Long is our Lead Parent Coordinator, and if your are interested in volunteering your services, or signing up to work, you can email her at:  She's created an online Doodle volunteer sign-up, too.  The link is:  PKY Book Fair.  

  • Mon.-Fri., March 19th - 23rd  =  SAT-10 Testing Week.  Please make sure you send your child to school well rested, well fed and on time.  Thank you!

  • Thursday, March 29th, 12pm-1pm   =   Elementary Family Picnic 

  • Friday, March 30th  =  NO SCHOOL

Monday, February 6, 2012

As February rolls in...

It's amazing that Spring is just around the corner, and that we've already accomplished half a year in fourth grade!  Our fourth grade students have been writing like little Shakespeares during these past several weeks as they prepare for the FCAT Florida Writes exam on February 28th.  They have observed their teachers model how to plan and respond to either a narrative or expository prompt, and then later have the opportunity to practice responding to a prompt independently.  They are also given feedback on their writing - on the areas of strength and where they can improve.  If you would like to help your child prepare for the Florida Writes, we have a great amount of resources in our Writing Folder of the 4th Grade Parent Files section of our webpage.  One of the most difficult things for the students has been interpreting the writing prompts - "What is this prompt really asking me to write about?"  If they do not understand the focus of the prompt, then their whole paper could end up being off-topic.  Being focused on the topic is key!
Also, when students take the time (about 5-10 minutes) to make a plan before they begin writing, it will help their paper stay focused and organized.  If students don't really plan out their thoughts, and they start drafting their writing, it's much harder to go back and change things when needed (especially within a 45 minute time period, which is all they will have).  It can become frustrating for them, too.  Therefore, a good plan will be that foundation for a solid essay!
If you have any questions or would like additional guidance on how you can help your child at home, please feel free to contact your child's teacher.

Here are some upcoming dates for your calendar:
  • Weds., Feb. 8th - Unit 7 Math Test (Ms. Geiger's Class)  -  a copy of the review sheet can be found in the Math folder in the Parent Files section of our Website.
  • Friday, Feb. 10th - Civil War Unit Test (part 2) - a copy of the study guide can be found in the Reading/S.S. folder in the Parent Files section of our Website.
  • Friday, Feb 10th - 4th Grade Book Fair Volunteer Sign-Up sheets go home in Friday Folders  =  Please volunteer to help work a shift at the Book Fair!  All profits directly reduce student admission costs for the Kennedy Space Center field trip.
  • Tuesday, Feb. 28th - FCAT Florida Writes exam = Please make sure you send your child to school well rested, well fed, and on time this day!
  • Mon.-Fri., March 12th - 16th  =  4th Grade Scholastic Book Fair Fundraiser in Mead Library.  Gina Long is our Lead Parent Coordinator, and if your are interested in volunteering your services, or signing up to work, you can email her at:  She's created an online Doodle volunteer sign-up, too.  The link is:  PKY Book Fair
  • Mon.-Fri., March 19th - 23rd  =  SAT-10 Testing Week.  Please make sure you send your child to school well rested, well fed and on time.  Thank you!
  • Thursday, March 29th, 12pm-1pm   =   Elementary Family Picnic 
  • Friday, March 30th  =  NO SCHOOL
We hope you have a great rest of the week!  Thank you for your continued support!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Important Announcements

Welcome back, fourth grade families!

We hope everyone had a wonderful break!  On Tuesday, the students came back rested and prepared to learn.  We have some important upcoming events these next few weeks:
  • Monday, Jan. 9th - Thursday, Jan 19th: We will be administering Winter CBM (Curriculum Benchmark Measurements) testing throughout these next two weeks.  These tests measure your child's progress in all main subject areas since the beginning of the school year.  It is important that students come to school on time, well fed and well rested.  Thank you for your support in this matter.  You will receive the Winter CBM testing results in the upcoming quarterly report card envelopes.
  • Friday, Jan. 13th: Everyday Math Unit 6 Test - The Study Guide and Review Packet went home this weekend.  You can find an electronic copy in the Everyday Math folder of the Parent Files section  of our 4th grade website.  For some fun angle measurement and long division online practice, visit the web page section of our website.
  • Monday, Jan. 16th: Martin Luther King Holiday - No School
  • Friday, Jan. 20th: No School - Teacher Workday
  • Tuesday, Feb. 28th: FCAT Florida Writes - There is a resource folder in the Parent Files section of our 4th grade website for you to reference for more information.  We will also send home some resources in the following weeks.  
  • March 12th - 16th: 4th Grade Scholastic Book Fair Fundraiser - We will need parent volunteers in order to run this event and make it a success.  Look for more information to come you way in February.  
Reading Logs will continue this week, so look for new ones in your child's daily folder - they will be due next week.  Also, Word Study work is on pause as we are in the process of doing our mid-year testing.  We will notify you once Word Study continues.  Thank you for your continued support!