Sunday, March 25, 2012

News for Week of March 26th

Dear Fourth Grade Families,

There is much happening this week, which we'd like to share with you!  First of all, we want to thank everyone who had the chance to stop by and view our fourth graders' Civil War project presentations on Friday.  The students were thrilled at the turnout, and enjoyed sharing their topic expertise with friends, family members and other visitors. 

On Friday, we sent home the information packet and permission forms to sign up for the radKIDS program, with the UF police department and Coach Zazo.  All permission forms must be completed and returned to your child's teacher by this Wednesday, March 28th, in order for your child to participate.  This is a wonderful opportunity for the 4th graders to learn about safety and personal empowerment!  If you have any specific questions about the program, you can contact Coach Zazo -  

Also, this past week, Review Packets were sent home with students in order to prepare for the Everyday Math Unit 10 test, which will be Tuesday, March 27th.  You can also download a copy of the Study Guide and Review Sheets, located in our EverydayMath folder of the Parent File section of the 4th grade website.

This Wednesday, March 28th is another Wacky Wednesday for our 4th and 5th graders.  Please send your child to school wearing tennis shoes and comfortable clothing.  

Our culminating event for this week is the annual PK Yonge Family Picnic, held on Thursday, from 12pm to 1pm on the front circle's grassy knoll.   Most families bring lunches from home or from take-out places, although some families order lunches in advance from the cafeteria.  Families also bring blankets or chairs to sit on. No parking will be permitted on the front circle area.  Instead, the north field (behind our portables) will be open for families to park.  

Families should NOT come to the classrooms to get their children.  We ask that you prepare your spot on the front circle, and wait for your student there.  At 12pm, the teachers will bring their classes to their normal arrival/dismissal spots on the blue benches on the front circleThis is where you can retrieve your child.

You may check your child out early to keep from making an extra trip back to school - you will need to sign him/her out with the teacher at that time (we will have a dismissal sheet for a quick check-out). 

If you plan to leave your child at school after the picnic, you will need to bring him/her back to the 4th grade blue benches spot on the front circle.  The teachers will wait there to take all remaining students back to class.  This is an exciting event, and we look forward to seeing you there!

So, to sum up the important dates:
  • Tuesday, March 27th - Everyday Math Unit 10 Test
  • Weds., March 28th - radKIDS forms due!
  • Weds., March 28th - Wacky Wednesday
  • Thursday, March 29th - PK Yonge Family Picnic
  • Friday, March 30th - NO SCHOOL, teacher workday
  • Monday-Friday, April 2-6 - Spring Break Week
  • Monday-Friday, April 16-20 - 4th grade FCAT Reading and Math testing 

Monday, March 19, 2012

RAD Kids Opportunity

Dear families,

Please be on the lookout for a  r.a.d.KIDS sign-up/permission form in this week's Friday Folders.  Coach Zazo and the UF police department coordinate a two week   r.a.d.KIDS   training program every year at PK Yonge, and this year, the 4th grade students have been selected to participate. 

r.a.d.KIDS is a nationally recognized Personal Empowerment Safety Education course.  If you would like to learn more about it before Friday, we encourage you to visit their website: r.a.d.KIDS.  In the meantime,  if you have any questions, you can contact Coach Zazo -  

This is a wonderful opportunity for your child!  Be on the lookout for more information in Friday folders.

Ms. A, Ms. Geiger, and Mr. Steffens

Sunday, March 11, 2012

As March Rolls In...

Spring is here!  Our Civil War Projects are almost ready to present!  Most importantly, our Scholastic Spring Book Fair fundraiser commences this week, from Monday until Friday!  Wow!  There is so much going on in 4th grade!

Here are the upcoming events in order of appearance:

Scholastic Spring Book Fair - 4th Grade Fundraiser
  • Thank you to all the parent volunteers who have signed up for a shift (or more).  Without you, this Book Fair would not be possible!  Our Book Fair Hours are 8am -3:30pm, Monday through Friday.  We will have a Family Night on Thursday, and stay open until 6pm.  Also, Friday is "Lunch with Someone Grand!"   Make sure to spread the news to other PK families to stop by and check out the Book Fair!
  • FYI - We will be selling our 4th Grade "Blue Wave" t-shirts at the Book Fair, too.  If you and your child are planning on going to the Kennedy Space Center field trip in May, you will need to purchase a shirt. 

Unit 9 Math Test - Tuesday, March 13th
  • Fractions, Decimals, and Percents - oh my!  It's that time for the Unit 9 test, which focused on the relationships between fractions, decimals, and percents.  Students were given a Study Guide and Review Practice packet last week to begin preparing for this test.  If you would like to print out a copy of the Review Practice, please visit the "Everyday Math" folder in the "Parent Files" section of our 4th grade website.
  • Unit 10 will begin on Wednesday, and is centered on Reflections and Symmetry. There are some great websites your child can visit to practice these concepts in the "Other Web Pages" section of our 4th grade website (see picture below).

Civil War Project Presentations 
  • The students have worked hard on researching their Civil War topics, writing an essay about their topics, and are now in the final stages of their project - composing and designing their trifold/poster or Glogster.  Students' poster-Glogster presentations will include their essay, illustrations, and 5-10 interesting facts about their chosen topic.  Most students should be finished with their projects by the end of this week (March 16th).  
  • Please look out for an invitation to view our project presentations, which should come your way sometime this week.  The fourth graders are super excited to share the products of their knowledge!

PK Yonge Family Picnic - Thursday, March 29th
  • Thursday, March 29 is PK Yonge's annual Family Picnic!  It will be held on the grassy area in the middle of the front circle between the hours of 12-1pm. There will not be any parking on the front circle – the upper field will be open for parking instead. 
    If you plan on checking out your student for the rest of the day after the picnic, you will sign your child out with his/her teacher at that time.  If your child will be checked out by another family, make sure the teacher has a note and is aware of the arrangements. 
    Any students staying at school after the picnic ends at 1pm will need to go back to the 4th grade benches spot of the front circle to find their teachers and return to class.
Student Holiday: No School - Friday, March 30th

Spring Break Week: April 2nd - 6th