Monday, February 20, 2012

Important Announcements

Greetings to our fourth grade friends and families!

We have some important upcoming events in these next few weeks:

  • Fri, Feb. 24th - Unit 8 Math Test  -  This was a very short unit which covered mostly perimeter and the formulas for area.  An electronic copy of the review sheet can be found in the Math folder in the Parent Files section of our Website.

  • Tuesday, Feb. 28th - FCAT Florida Writes exam = 
           The best way you can practice this weekend for the test is by discussing how you would respond to possible prompts.  The more fun and casual you can make it, the better (think "family game time").  We have a list of sample narrative and expository prompts in the Writing Folder of the Parent Files of our website for you to use.
           Also, if you would like to donate a healthy juice or snack for the students to nibble on before the test, our 4th grade team has created a Doodle online sign-up for you.  Please choose the item(s) you'd like to donate, and send them to school with your child by Monday, February 27th, at the latest.  We will have space for the refrigerated items, too.  On Tuesday, February 28th, we will test in the morning.  So, please make sure you send your child to school well rested, well fed, and on time this day!  Thank you for all of your help and support.

  • Mon.-Fri., March 12th - 16th  =  4th Grade Scholastic Book Fair Fundraiser in Mead Library.  This is the main way we raise money to reduce students' admissions price for the Kennedy Space Center field trip.  Gina Long is our Lead Parent Coordinator, and if your are interested in volunteering your services, or signing up to work, you can email her at:  She's created an online Doodle volunteer sign-up, too.  The link is:  PKY Book Fair.  

  • Mon.-Fri., March 19th - 23rd  =  SAT-10 Testing Week.  Please make sure you send your child to school well rested, well fed and on time.  Thank you!

  • Thursday, March 29th, 12pm-1pm   =   Elementary Family Picnic 

  • Friday, March 30th  =  NO SCHOOL

Monday, February 6, 2012

As February rolls in...

It's amazing that Spring is just around the corner, and that we've already accomplished half a year in fourth grade!  Our fourth grade students have been writing like little Shakespeares during these past several weeks as they prepare for the FCAT Florida Writes exam on February 28th.  They have observed their teachers model how to plan and respond to either a narrative or expository prompt, and then later have the opportunity to practice responding to a prompt independently.  They are also given feedback on their writing - on the areas of strength and where they can improve.  If you would like to help your child prepare for the Florida Writes, we have a great amount of resources in our Writing Folder of the 4th Grade Parent Files section of our webpage.  One of the most difficult things for the students has been interpreting the writing prompts - "What is this prompt really asking me to write about?"  If they do not understand the focus of the prompt, then their whole paper could end up being off-topic.  Being focused on the topic is key!
Also, when students take the time (about 5-10 minutes) to make a plan before they begin writing, it will help their paper stay focused and organized.  If students don't really plan out their thoughts, and they start drafting their writing, it's much harder to go back and change things when needed (especially within a 45 minute time period, which is all they will have).  It can become frustrating for them, too.  Therefore, a good plan will be that foundation for a solid essay!
If you have any questions or would like additional guidance on how you can help your child at home, please feel free to contact your child's teacher.

Here are some upcoming dates for your calendar:
  • Weds., Feb. 8th - Unit 7 Math Test (Ms. Geiger's Class)  -  a copy of the review sheet can be found in the Math folder in the Parent Files section of our Website.
  • Friday, Feb. 10th - Civil War Unit Test (part 2) - a copy of the study guide can be found in the Reading/S.S. folder in the Parent Files section of our Website.
  • Friday, Feb 10th - 4th Grade Book Fair Volunteer Sign-Up sheets go home in Friday Folders  =  Please volunteer to help work a shift at the Book Fair!  All profits directly reduce student admission costs for the Kennedy Space Center field trip.
  • Tuesday, Feb. 28th - FCAT Florida Writes exam = Please make sure you send your child to school well rested, well fed, and on time this day!
  • Mon.-Fri., March 12th - 16th  =  4th Grade Scholastic Book Fair Fundraiser in Mead Library.  Gina Long is our Lead Parent Coordinator, and if your are interested in volunteering your services, or signing up to work, you can email her at:  She's created an online Doodle volunteer sign-up, too.  The link is:  PKY Book Fair
  • Mon.-Fri., March 19th - 23rd  =  SAT-10 Testing Week.  Please make sure you send your child to school well rested, well fed and on time.  Thank you!
  • Thursday, March 29th, 12pm-1pm   =   Elementary Family Picnic 
  • Friday, March 30th  =  NO SCHOOL
We hope you have a great rest of the week!  Thank you for your continued support!